Entrepreneurship Judge Business School Enterprise Tuesday networking, as well as company creation programmes (Ignite, Accelerate, EnterpriseTECH). Image courtesy of 2023 EnterpriseTECH of Lasya presenting lab’s NeissLock technology Cambridge Academy of Therapeutic Sciencies (CATS) research initiative for training researchers and connecting to industry Start-up accelerator schemes in Cambridge by Start Codon and O2H, who run the Open Cambridge day for exploring the city’s high tech facilities, and Nucleate, focused on student entrepreneurs. Cambridge Enterprise for tech transfer and seed funding Cambridge Innovation Capital for venture capital funding Chris Abell Postdoc Business Plan Competition run by Entrepreneurial Postdocs of Cambridge SpyBiotech spun out from lab Milner Therapeutics Institute connecting Cambridge academics to industry partners Next Pharma Phenomenon sessions on start-ups and pitching competition, organised by Mark. Cambridge University Technology & Enterprise Club (CUTEC) student society Altos labs with Cambridge scientists for anti-ageing revolution Non-Cambridge key sites: In the Pipeline blog on chemistry and drug discovery Fierce Biotech news List of Fastest growing Companies in Biotech Y Combinator videos and Paul Graham essays on start-up creation Key books: Research to Revenue, Startup Owner’s Manual, Zero to One, Serious Creativity, Black Swan, Inventology Lab online resources SpyInfo and SpyBank database for SpyTag-related papers, patents, sequences. Protein alphabet (video, PDB links, related art) Lab YouTube channel including playlists “Music to SpyTag to” and “Music to build vaccines to”. Pharmacology-related song playlist Pharma pub quiz questions, as ppt or pdf Cambridge cultural events Student newspapers: Varsity The Tab Local newspapers/magazines: Cambridge Independent Cambridgeshire Live Cambridge Edition Music: Cambridge classical music concert calendar Corn Exchange King’s College choir Trinity College music society St. John’s College choir Theatre: Camdram listings ADC Theatre Shakespeare Festival University seminar listings Journalism and the public understanding of science At previous festivals with some of my lab we showed school children how to extract DNA from strawberries (e-mail for instructions) or diagnose malaria with a mobile phone. See Cambridge Science Centre events and Cambridge Festival in March. Cambridge University Science News Bad Science: also a column in the Guardian, challenging and making fun of pseudoscience and misrepresented science that is presented as fact on TV and in newspapers. From clustered water to underpowered clinical trials, this is both fun and important. Avant-garde chefs discuss cooking with Harvard engineers The Diamond Age- you need to read this novel brilliantly imagining a future built on nanotechnology, where children are accompanied by computerised teachers. Also Quicksilver by the same author, a novel with Isaac Newton as a key character. The Checklist Manifesto- How to get things right Online Seminars Fly-on-the-wall documentary on a graduate student's struggles and successes in research (from Columbia). Podcasts from Cambridge University iBioSeminars from Howard Hughes Medical Institute e.g. George Whitesides: A lab the size of a postage stamp MIT (Howard Zinn, Stephen Wolfram) Harvard YouTube channel Henry Stewart Talks (series of teaching lectures from famous people in different biological areas). NIH (Chad Mirkin, Stefan Kaufmann inspiring talk on a new TB vaccine, Lichtman on the brainbow) Princeton (Matt Ridley, James Randi, Daniel Liebeskind, and the author of Freakonomics) MIT OpenCourseWare, which freely distributes MIT teaching resources including lecture slides, reading lists, and problem sheets of courses from Mechanics to Epidemiology Cambridge research networks Engineering Biology Interdisciplinary Research Centre Cambridge Biosciences Doctoral Training Programme Nanoscience Doctoral Training Cambridge University Synthetic Biology Society
ADDRESS Department of Pharmacology, University of Cambridge, Tennis Court Road, Cambridge CB2 1PD UK
CONTACT e: t: 01223 334176
2024 Mark Howarth. All rights reserved.