ADDRESS Department of Pharmacology, University of Cambridge, Tennis Court Road, Cambridge CB2 1PD UK
CONTACT e: t: 01223 334176
2024 Mark Howarth. All rights reserved.
Undergraduate Pharmacology teaching Part I Pharmacology lectures on Inflammation, including aspects of innate immunity. Part II Pharmacology on Antibodies against infectious disease- Ab discovery, Successful antibodies (HIV, RSV, coronaviruses, C. difficile), Ab pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics, Ab-drug conjugates (ADCs) and enhanced release approaches including a supervision on enhancing epidemic preparedness through antibodies, vaccines and government policy. Mark will also be advising on Drug Review Projects, Part II practical projects and Part II dissertations. Pharmacology-related music playlist Graduate Pharmacology teaching Next Pharma Phenomenon event on Intellectual Property, Start-up funding and how to make a pitch for investment. In two events over a fortnight, the audience learn entrepreneurship skills, come up with biotech company ideas, and then practise pitching and investing with their 1.33 million Biobucks. Outreach activity “Protein superglue to build vaccines” files to download: Info sheet on running and preparing activity Handout for visitors Poster with scary virus pictures Poster showing 10 potential pathogens Structural Biology You may be interested in seeing some of the diversity of protein folds via the Protein Alphabet. Fluorescent imaging and Single Molecule Approaches Mark was previously teaching 3 rd year undergraduate Biochemistry students on Fluorescence Microscopy and Single Molecule Approaches to Biochemistry. Mark was also lecturing for graduate students and postdocs on Fluorescent probes and on Single Molecule Imaging in the Oxford Advanced Light Microscopy Course. Mark taught the advanced undergraduate seminar on fluorescence imaging in biology at MIT with Anthony Leung, under the supervision of Prof. Robert Horvitz. The course is also on MIT OpenCourseWare.